Cardcaptor Sakura earrings collection is jewelry fit for a magical girl - Japan Today

2022-09-02 20:24:48 By : Ms. Sunny Li

JapanToday Gleams Akihabara 703 2-8-16 Higashi-Kanda Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 101-0031 Japan Tel: +81 3 5829 5900 Fax: +81 3 5829 5919 Email: ©2022 GPlusMedia Inc.

The magical girl anime genre is known for pretty character designs, so it’s no surprise that these series sometimes get used as fashion inspiration. This can take the form of clothes, accessories, makeup, and Jimmy Choo even recently released some boots based on Sailor Moon’s iconic footwear.

When it comes to jewelry, items themed around this genre of anime can make for some especially gorgeous pieces. Case in point, these Cardcaptor Sakura earrings are extra lovely, and give the wearer a magical look.

Even if your ears aren’t pierced, there’s clip-on versions available too. Each dangly earring is long with various colored jewels, and would look great for a special occasion or to match an elegant outfit.

There’s four different designs, all inspired by the anime’s ‘Clear Card’ arc, showing references to Sakura's different battle outfits and wands.

Each purchase comes with a postcard to match the color and design of your chosen earrings.

The packaging is just as pretty as the earrings themselves, with a gorgeous box design and a framed stand to store them in.

Each pair costs 19,800 yen and they will be on sale until Sept 26 on Mayla Classic’s online store.

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